Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Birthday Present and Better Weather

The weather has gotten SO MUCH BETTER. The sky has had big puffy white clouds and I had to wear sunglasses because...THE SUN WAS OUT. Yes. So beautiful. It makes the week a lot better.

I don't have much to update you guys on. But my friend Lauren's birthday is coming up in a week or so, and I am working on a gift for her. :] I can't show you all the whole picture, since she might come across this blog, and it would ruin the gift. But I can give you previews of it. I am having a hard time on a foot. That's it. A foot. So hopefully I can fix that and finish this soon! It's mostly just a speed painting, since I can never work more than two days on a picture or I get bored of it. But anyways, here are two previews.

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